Tama People: Emily Gibbs
This is Emily Gibbs from EMME Naturopathy @emme_naturopathy – a Dunsborough Naturopath who is one of our regulars at Tama Wellness as she strongly believes in the many health benefits of infrared sauna therapy.
Emily’s areas of interest include gut health and mental health, having helped many clients with gastrointestinal and mental ailments. The mental benefits of regular infrared sauna therapy is now well established, having the ability to relieve stress, anxiety and muscle tension. Infrared sauna therapy can also improve digestion via strengthening vagal nerve tone and allowing the body to rest and digest.
Emily also utilises infrared sauna therapy for detoxification, improving circulation and strengthening the immune system. Emily’s favourite way to wind down from a busy day in clinic is to have a 45 minute sauna at TAMA wellness and listen to a meditation podcast.